PUPPIES - If you are thinking of getting a puppy, have just welcomed your new addition to the family or want to read some more about how to care for them, then why not take a look at this fantastic guide about all aspects of puppy care… View / Download PDF
Breeding - What to expect when expecting A short guide to Canine Breeding and Pregnancy Breeding – Are you prepared? Breeding your bitch can be rewarding, but it can also be a lot of hard work and sometimes heartbreaking. Your bitch may require a caesarian section or may lose her pups at or shortly after birth which can be costly and emotionally draining. The pups may need to be hand reared and need feeding every few hours throughout the day and night. Even when all goes to plan there is still a lot of work, mess and noise to deal with! Then
Pets Need Exercise Too - Exercise keeps pets healthy and happy! An active pet is less likely to be obese and develop health issues.
Pet First Aid Tips - As a pet owner, it’s important to know some basic first aid in case your loved one is ever in need of aid.
Senior Pet Care - As pets age, their body chemistries change and their healthcare needs do too. Learn more about how to care for your senior pet.
Adopt A Shelter Pet - There are millions of homeless pets out there that will never know the love and compassion of an owner. Adopt a shelter pet!

Procedural Information

Pre and post procedural information and considerations


Blood testing before the procedure


Advantages/complications of laparoscopic surgery for ovariectomy


Complications associated with general anaesthesia generally and use off of licence drugs


Things we cannot do at the same time as laparoscopic ovariectomy and reasons we may not be able to go ahead with the surgery
